A Free Survey of Workplace Issues - And Some Communication Recommendations
What are the biggest "communication" issues in your workplace? Below is a list of 56 workplace situations people have identified that reduce their productivity and effectiveness at work. Your answers will state how often you see these issues where you work. When you finish, hit ‘Submit’ and you will see a summary of ways to make some positive changes - and maybe even turn things around.
An Administrative Assistant told us, "I spent 15 minutes answering these questions and realized that I could improve communication in my whole office just by changing one thing about the way I interact with bosses and staff members. So I made that change and I noticed people acting friendlier and being more productive. Two weeks later, I re-took the Survey, and sure enough, some of those issues had disappeared. I told my boss about it, but the fun part is that nobody else knows how it happened except me!"
A department manager said, "I took this quiz and realized I needed all my staff to do it too. They did it, and then we put our answers together to get a good look at the different challenges we face. We picked the issue most of us agreed was the biggest problem, and we began to implement the ideas for improvement. We started that day and we noticed a difference before the week was out! By the next meeting, we were looking to tackle our second-biggest challenge."
SCORING: Please indicate, for any of the following actions, behaviors, or situations that you observe or encounter at your place of work, "How often do you observe or experience each item occurring in your workplace?"