
It’s Not About Resolutions, It’s About Management

Management is not just for people who have a department or team to oversee. We can add it to our personal lives as well. That way, we get some energy from seeing that we are moving in the direction(s) we choose and accomplishing what matters to us. And it’s pretty simple!

Why Do Some Managers Ignore Poor Performance?

The work of managing performance is simple and specific. That doesn’t mean it’s easy to make time for that work, or that it is the most fun part of a Manager’s job. But it IS part of the job.

Your Schedule? That’s Where Your Promises Go.

Where do you put the promises you make to other people? Do you simply hope you will remember them – or do you record them where they will remind you to honor them? Your reputation depends on your answers.

How to Save Time: Make Better Requests to Get Better Promises

How to get what you want from others? Here’s how to make a more effective request. It takes a bit of practice, but you’ll see the benefits early and they will continue to increase.

What You Want & By When: Managers, Leaders, and Schedules

One manager in a recent MBA class was provoked by a discussion about the importance of using schedules, and offered her opinion on the difference between leaders and managers. “I want to be a leader,” she said, “not a manager. What does scheduling have to do with leadership?” Good question, actually. We were talking about […]

Where Accountability Comes From – How to Support People in Honoring Their Word

Here’s how to help other people learn to keep their word with you. Please do it! It’s a service to everyone in their lives, not just you.