Create Certainty for Yourself and Others – Start Saying “By When”

Specifying “by when” you’ll get back to someone is an easy way to give people confidence in you. You may have to check your calendar to do that, but it’s a small task that benefits you as well as the people around you.

How to Handle Lateness – It’s Everywhere!

People, assignments, resources – lots of things show up late. We can do something to turn it around, or, if not, lateness will become a cultural fixture.

Training for Accountability: First Things First

On-the-job training should focus first on what people will be accountable for producing and/or delivering. You can add the secondary matters of importance after they are clear about what counts most.

The Manager’s Golden Rule: Make Production Goals Visible

Humans aren’t always wired up to Get Things Done. In the swirl of daily life, we need a way to remember which things really matter.

Developing People & Managing Performance… With Meetings? 

Do team meetings “develop people” as well as 1-on-1 meetings? Opinions differ, as different managers approach “performance management” in their own way.

Why Do Some Managers Ignore Poor Performance?

The work of managing performance is simple and specific. That doesn’t mean it’s easy to make time for that work, or that it is the most fun part of a Manager’s job. But it IS part of the job.

Stop Managing People, Step 2. Reconsider Those 1:1 Meetings

Private conversations are useful in the workplace for some things, like hiring or re-positioning someone. But performance conversations – agreements for what people will deliver – are best done by the group. It builds teams, increases integrity, and improves “delivery performance”.

Stop Managing People, Step 1

People pay attention to people – and make lots of assessments and judgments. That’s natural. But it maybe not the best way for a manager to support high performance or reach an organization’s goals.

This Middle Manager is Between a Rock and a Hard Place

When your Boss is not paying attention to what you need, and you are managing a group of people who want to become a team, what do you do? Claire paved the way.

Emotional Intelligence and Workplace Performance (Two Very Different Things)

Workplace performance sometimes needs to be addressed more specifically, to clarify what you really want people to produce. Separating performance from personality might create the space for greater understanding of what performance means in your particular workplace.