Micromanagement: Story #1

A friend of mine is an accountant for a yoga-fitness studio, and last week he told me his studio owner is a “micro-manager”. I asked him what he meant – here’s what he said: “Patty is our studio owner who sometimes drops in on a yoga class, and if she thinks a student is doing a pose incorrectly, she will interrupt […]

That Difficult Client Talk – Part IV.  Completion

Reggie started with a serious performance problem in his department. He said his staff was “under-performing”, and he was insistent that I find out what the problem was and “fix it”. So I did. The problem was Reggie. He was a technical whiz, but not a very good manager. Here’s what I mean: He was […]

Three “Brexit” Lessons for Getting YOUR Goal

Did you notice that the “Remain” leaders in the United Kingdom – the ones who wanted to stay with the European Union – made some costly mistakes? It seems they had some lazy assumptions, and failed to deliver the well-designed conversations that could have painted a different picture for UK voters. Mistake #1: Too few […]

Super-vision: It All Depends on Communication

We pay attention to our goals, other people, and the environment. But having a great life needs more than attention: it takes communication.

Create Space in an Overwhelmed Life: A Recipe

Sometimes we run down so slowly that we don’t notice when it’s time to off-load some of the things that are piling up around us. Here’s a recipe that worked for a couple people I know. Myself included.

Where Accountability Comes From – How to Support People in Honoring Their Word

Here’s how to help other people learn to keep their word with you. Please do it! It’s a service to everyone in their lives, not just you.

Cynicism and Resistance to Change – What Works?

Sometimes cynicism is a symptom of a problem from the past. It’s worth fixing both the problem and the symptom.

A Recipe for Little Changes – Organizational and Personal

Five steps to change the way things will be done – in the office and at home – by reducing resistance from others and including their best ideas.

The Power of Promising: Listener + Do + Due 

How to get yourself to Do something you don’t want to Do? Add a Listener and a Due date. Here’s how.

No Closure, No Accomplishment

A normally upbeat and productive guy was suddenly downcast and discouraged yesterday morning. I went in to see Chuck and talk about progress on his most important project – implementing an employee development program – and he wasn’t even interested anymore. Wow. “This project doesn’t matter,” he said. “I thought it would make a huge […]