Did You Ask?

The June 12th Dilbert comic strip (below) gives a good example of the difference between an understanding conversation and a performance conversation.  Dilbert, probably like many of us, assumes that explaining what is needed to someone who’s job it is to do it should be sufficient to get it accomplished.  He is wrong.  If you […]

Does Authority Lead to Reduced Communication?

Having authority can contribute to the very problems managers believe are solved by that authority.  Why, because when managers have authority they don’t think they need to communicate as much.  This is particularly true when managers confront threats to the successful completion of projects they are managing. Years of research indicates that managers who have […]

How Leaders Can Create New Contexts

Leadership occurs in communication, both verbal and nonverbal.  Verbal communication, however, does not mean just talking.  Talking is not the same as communicating and not all talking is equally effective.  If it were, all of us would have a much easier time doing the things with other people. One aspect of leadership communication is creating […]

Effective Workplace Communication Requires Using the Right Conversation

How often have you heard (or made) one of the following complaints (or some variation thereof): We have a real communication problem here. They don’t tell us anything, and when they do tell us, it’s not much. They never give us enough information. The absence or inadequacy of communication is one of the most frequently […]